Press releases provide an unending stream of website visits and information distribution – even long after they are distributed. They are infinitely more valuable than social media and blog posts.

This is how YOU control the narrative.

From Joe: One of the experiences I love to share is how a 3 paragraph press mention about William Zabka brought continued success 4 years after it was placed. It is the power of using the Internet to produce a foundation of information that supports all of your efforts for years to come – all the while, YOU control the narrative.

I’d known Billy (William) for a while. Long after he made that fateful crane kick in the Karate Kid movies. What a lot of people weren’t aware of at the time is that Billy is so much more than a celebrated actor; he is an amazing director and visionary in his own right and his work, now, is evident with the Netflix Cobra Kai series. This, however, was back in 2007.

Billy had released a short-film called “Most,” and it was artful; really just amazing. As he told me, the story that led to the writing and creation of the film was an old story they heard as children in Bible Camp. It was about a father, and train conductor, who had to make a fateful decision. (See his film and get a better understanding.) We became acquainted at a small film festival that showed the film.

I was hungering for a story to promote and Billy told me about a video he made for a band in Los Angeles, which reunited the remaining members of the cast from the Karate Kid films. The song highlighted the infamous line, “Sweep the Leg Johnny!” After its release, Billy was going to appear on Jimmy Kimmel’s Late Night Show and I moved forward with a small press blurb in Los Angeles to highlight the appearance. Sadly, his segment was cut from the show, but the press was already released, and I figured it was simply swept under the rug.

Fast forward a little over 4 years and I get a telephone call from Katie Couric’s show producer. She was reaching out to talk with Billy about appearing on the Katie Couric Show in New York. I asked how she managed to get a hold of me and she shared that while searching online, the most prominent result on Billy’s publicist she could find came from the article I’d written 4 years prior. In the end, I called Billy and passed on the info and he got the show.

What I try to impress on clients is that building an online foundation of supporting information about you, your projects, your products, your business, band, career, etc, is the most important thing you can do to create future success. When you, or I, write and release information about what you do, the narrative is controlled and the end result is a language you want to speak to your consumers. It isn’t short lived on someone else’s social media feed and it doesn’t just go away when they refresh their blogs. It is keyword rich information that tells your story, in your words. This information will show up in Search Engine results for years to come.

With all of that being said – call JoeDolanPR today to learn more about how building your foundation of press will help buyers know you better and be more willing to take a chance on you as a brand. You need buzz. At JoeDolanPR, we work to create that buzz for you.